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Equipment:+86-18253969234(Manager Xiao)

Material:+86-18396726572(Manager Li)



Add:The intersection of Jiefang Road and West outer ring in Lanshan District, Linyi, Shandong, China is 50 meters west.

Two factors affecting the quality of chlorinated polyethylene cpe
Time:2018-05-16 17:17:00View:634

Two factors affecting the quality of chlorinated polyethylene CPE

First, the molecular configuration of HDPE

      Due to the different process conditions of PE in the polymerization process, the molecular structure of the polymer HDPE has certain differences, and the performance is also different. The performance of the PEPE after chlorination of different properties of HDPE is also different. CPE manufacturers must use suitable HDPE-specific powdered resins to produce qualified CPE resins.

       Our company uses high quality HDPE to ensure the quality of chlorinated polyethylene.

Second, the chlorination conditions, namely the chlorination process

       CPE, which is a PVC processing modifier, is usually formed by chlorination by aqueous suspension chlorination. The key conditions of this chlorination process are the light energy, the dose of the initiator, the reaction pressure, the reaction temperature, and the reaction time. And neutralizing reaction conditions and the like. The principle of PE chlorination is relatively simple, but the chlorination mechanism is more complicated.

       Due to the small investment in equipment for producing CPE, many small and simple CPE production plants are already dotted in China. This not only causes pollution of the ecological environment, but also is one of the important reasons for the instability of CPE quality.

       At present, a large number of inferior CPEs have appeared on the market. Under normal circumstances, there are two kinds of inferior CPEs. One is caused by the fact that some production plants do not have technical conditions and the chlorination process is backward. The other is shoddy, usually the price is much lower than the market price, which not only seriously affects the interests of regular manufacturers, but also harms the quality of customers' products. Therefore, when purchasing chlorinated polyethylene, you must Polish your eyes and choose your partner carefully.

       The chlorinated polyethylene cpe produced by our company meets the national standards and is ordered by customers. The inspection report is issued with the car. Our rigor is for the stability of your production. Thank you for your trust in us.

Contact Us

Equipment:+86-18253969234(Manager Xiao)

Material:+86-18396726572(Manager Li)



Add:The intersection of Jiefang Road and West outer ring in Lanshan District, Linyi, Shandong, China is 50 meters west.

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